Friday 17 June 2016

Bonny Blooms

I have had a few days away in Yorkshire. We went to Flamborough Head where there were two lighthouses.
The chalk tower designed by John Clayton in 1670.
A fire was built on the top 

The newer lighthouse built in 1806 automated 1996.
Taken on a foggy day with the fog horn booming across Bridlington bay

We visited Scampston Walled Gardens. A beautiful blue display.
Blue hues

Bonny geraniums in the greenhouse.
I love the tonal shades

A stunning hibiscus.
Very exotic

The bathing house.
Ladies entered by a door at the side

Cereal crops.
Look the shapes of the ears

Floating heads

One of the many varieties of poppies in the gardens.
A stunning colour

An amazing field of poppies and rape.
Rare and beautiful

The white horse at Kilburn.
Horsing around

A local field of buttercups.
Bonny buttercups

One of my favourite views from Hartside.
Looking towards the Solway

The lupins are looking at their best.
Violet lupins and yellow day lilies

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