Friday 6 November 2015

Awesome Autumn

Up until this week there has been some stunning Autumn colours. At this time of year the trees look at their best. Now the leaves are falling like confetti.

There has been evocative sound both day and night from flocks of geese flying in their classic 'V' formation across the pale blue sky. 

The horse chestnut trees look rich and golden.
Golden delight
Russet hues
Leaves on the cusp of change

Some trees are rich and golden.
Tones of yellow

The acer tree is vibrant and withstanding the wind and rain.
Intense red 

Golden gorse is in bloom on the bleak hillside.
Sheep buried in the bracken

A stunning view of the forest alongside the Tyne.

The richness of colour is beautiful.
Looking down the river
Looking up the river

Looking through the tree canopy.
Look at the patterns and shapes

Leaves dancing in Hexham Abbey doorway.
Swirling bouncing leaves

The bleakness of the Pennine rocks.
The contrast between hard rock and soft grass

Willowherb known as fireweed.
It was nicknamed fireweed as it grew on the battlefields 

There are still some wild flowers in bloom with lovely blends of colour.

This poppy is adorable.
Just pause to study the beauty

The nasturtium is withstanding the weather.
Look at the contrast between the orange and yellow

Rosy red chard.
It is almost luminous

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