Friday 31 May 2013

Lakes, Buttercups, Bluebells and Blossom

Last Saturday I was up with the lark to go on a walk in the Lake District. The walk started at Honister Slate Mine where we were the first to arrive in the car park. As we started our climb we actually heard and saw a sky lark, such magic and so beautiful in a gin clear sky. As we climbed towards Great Gable 716m the Lakeland hills kept unfolding. These are some of the stunning views.
Crummock Water in the foreground Buttermere in the distance
Looking towards Wasdale
The view of Great Gable from Green Gable
We could see as far as the Solway and Morecambe Bay. As the day progressed cloud began to appear as did fellow walkers. We ended our walk at Yew Tree Farm, Rosthwaite where we stocked up with Herdwick lamb. The best lamb you have ever tasted and it is always requested to be on the menu when my family come home.
Herdwick sheep and lamb
Another contrasting view is the one below taken from near the summit of Hartside on the Pennines. The bleakness of the view has a beauty of it's own.
Dramatic Alston fells
The old apple tree in the Artful garden is now in full flower, with the prospect of a bountiful supply.
Apple tree smothered in blossom
The strong winds have blown the blossom off the cherry tree and it has settled into pink confetti drifts at the edge of the lane.
Cherry blossom confetti
Alchemilla Mollis always looks so wonderful when it has rained or there is a fall of dew. The raindrops collect like sparkling jewels in the leaves.
The beauty of raindrops
These beautiful king buttercups are of such a rich golden yellow.
King buttercups
The bluebells are now in flower. There is a lovely walk in Kirkoswald where there are rivers of bluebells and wild garlic.
Bluebells in my home garden
The dandelions of last week have now turned into dandelion clocks. Do you remember blowing the clocks to see what time it was? The number of blows it took to blow off all the seed heads dictated the time. 
One o'clock, two o'clock......
This is Sydney the cockerel who has lead a charmed life. He survived being a dogs dinner. At one stage his head then his tail was in the dog's mouth. He escaped with a dint to his pride and a reduction in tail feathers, but he can still strut his stuff in front of the ladies. 
These are some of my pottery houses from my shabby chic range. They look lovely in the garden surrounded by the flowers.
Pottery House - shabby chic range
Pottery House - shabby chic range
The daffodils and tulips are all dying back, which is good as I am needing to plant out my bedding plants. I have been sculpturing the lawn in the Artful garden adding curves to widen the flower beds. I have had several long days planting out all my bedding plants with still more to do. The light nights allow me to work late into the evening to the accompaniment of birdsong and a friendly thrush who comes within touching distance eagerly seeking worms as I dig.

Stop press Boozy Floosie is coming out of rehab next week. Rumour has it that she looks like a new woman. 

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