Thursday 9 May 2013

Spring in Bloom

We have had some very warm and wet weather that has meant the garden looks as it is on steroids as everything is growing at such a vast rate. The tomatoes are now planted in single pots in the greenhouse.

I have planted out the cabbages in the Artful Garden and put insect repellent covers over them so we can eat the cabbages and not the little critters. 
Covered cabbage plants

I have harvested our first purple sprouting broccoli. It only took 2 minutes to steam and tasted superb. This was planted last summer so there was a long growing season.
Home grown broccoli
The blackcurrant and gooseberry bushes are in full leaf and flower and the rhubarb will be ready to pick soon. The sink garden is looking very pretty as is the aubretia.
Aubrieta at the entrance to the Artful Garden 
The tulips are looking stunning in their variegated colours, the more the sun shines on them the wider the petals open.
Tulips, bellis and forgetmenots 
Sheer beauty

I have been travelling around this week and seen some mirror lakes in the farmers fields. They really reflect the sunlight and have a silver glow.
Maize grown under plastic
I visited the gardens at Sizergh Castle in the Lake District and saw some lovely snake head fritillarias, easy to see how they got their name.
Easy to see how they got the name 'snakeshead'
Also the bracken and ferns are just beginning to uncurl, a beautiful shape. Antoni Gaudi was inspired by nature in his architecture and the fern frond can be seen in his work.
Bracken frond
Hay Baby in my home garden has been hat less for a while, but now we have sunny weather she has had a new hairstyle with hair extensions. She spends her days either watching the trains pass on the Settle - Carlisle line or admiring the house flower beds depending on which way the wind is blowing.
Hay Baby
I am sorry to report the Boozy Floozy has been found drunk and very disorderly in the Artful Garden. She is therefore going into rehab to rediscover herself. 
Boozy Floozy shame on you
Walking along the local lanes on a gin clear evening I discovered this fungus on a hollowed out tree. Look at the beautiful bark patterns.
Tree fungus


  1. poor boozy! Maybe she's been drinking the Damson Gin!

    1. Boozy is looking forward to soon going to the Hay Barn for a makeover, yes the damson gin was too good to resist.

  2. Lovely pictures of your garden keep up the good work.Leave boozy alone she deserves a tipple after facing such a long winter!

  3. Damson gin is sooooooooooo good in moderation.
