Friday 27 April 2018

Windy and Warm

This week Spring has arrived in bucket loads. There is blossom on the damson, almond and blackthorn. Many are coming into leaf with fresh leaves just about to burst. Our beech hedge is in full leaf. 
There has still been a cold wind so it has not been as warm as it could have been.

I have done masses of of digging and weeding, in all my gardens. I enjoy both activities. I have also planted lots of seeds. Most of them have germinated. I am now trying to keep on top of things as the grass is growing fast. I have lots of forgetmenots in flower in the gardens and the daffodils and tulips are still in bloom.
Flame red tulips
White narcissus in the rose bed

The fruit bushes have come into leaf. I have put cardboard underneath the gooseberry bushes to help prevent gooseberry sawfly.
Can you see the tassels on the blackcurrant bush?

I have planted my potatoes in both the farm garden and on the allotment.
Digging the plot for the potatoes. The soil is very compacted on the allotment

I have started to harvest rhubarb.
A healthy crop 

The cardoon is starting to grow in the Artful Garden. 
Cardoon hoping to grow to reach the moon

I had success at Kirkoswald Farmers market. My stall was admired and I sold several small items. It was good training and I am doing my next craft fair in Keswick  Skiddaw Hotel on 20 May. These are a flour of the items I had for sale.
Fabric collage gift tag
An embroidered tag
A pottery house
A cheeky littler bird

I  found this lovely book in a charity shop. 
Those were the days

I made this kitten for my granddaughter.
Little kitty

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