Friday 5 August 2016


We are now self sufficient in fruit and vegetables. We have a regular supply of our own potatoes, both french and runner beans, carrots, celery, kale, cabbage, garlic, onions, shallots, tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce, small turnips and  sweetcorn. We have one sweetcorn plant that we grew in the greenhouse which we harvested yesterday. It was 25 cm long, very sweet and delicious. I have about 21 cobs that will be ready soon. This is the first year that I have grown sweetcorn so I am very pleased that it has been so successful.
My prize sweetcorn and homegrown carrots

Last Saturday I went to see 'Yarns in the Yards' at Kendal. This was a series of 15 min plays performed by Kendal Community Theatre in the many yards in Kendal. It was supported with artwork from the local schools. It was an excellent event full of inspiration and enthusiasm.

One of the yards.
Narrow alleyways lead to the yards

Portraits of Alfred Wainwright.
I love the naive illustrations

Felt houses of buildings in Kendal.
Knitted and felted
How many buildings do you recognise?

Felt herbs.
Some of these herbs were used for dyeing which took place in the yards

I loved this wicker shoe.
One two where's the other shoe?

This was made by secondary school pupils from plaster of Paris.
Very effective

A street performer.
If you donated money she moved

The cardoon in the Artful Garden has now come into flower.
It is like a giant thistle

This lovely purple flower is a perennial which I dry each year.
They close at night

One of my pottery houses amongst the Japanese anemones.
Birds and flowers

Home grown fruit.
Blackcurrants, red currants and blackberries

Richmond in North Yorkshire is a beautiful town.
This interesting building is being restored
A view from the castle walls
This looks continental.
A gothic framed view

I love these steps.
What is at the top of the stairs?

The town hall.
Look at the coat of arms

I found this plant pot woman in Appleby.
Hello there

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