Friday 22 April 2016

Allotment Fever

I have spent this week on my allotment trying to get it into shape. The weather has helped. We have had frosty mornings followed by warm sunny days, so I have had some long days digging. My main challenge was the strawberry bed that was riddled with couch grass. I had to weed using a fine toothcomb method and have now cleared the entire bed. I have planted some strawberries with space left for more.
It is wonderful to work to the sound of birdsong including a woodpecker that taps away in the field alongside the allotment. The birds are also nest building and keep taking in large beakfuls the coir matting from my hanging baskets.

A cleared plot

I have planted my potatoes both in the Artful Garden and on the allotment.
Chitted potatoes ready to plant
Planting potatoes after having applied a liberal amount of manure

I have also planted out some broad beans.

I have picked my first rhubarb from the Artful Garden.
Made into a delicious crumble

The damson trees are just starting to blossom. I hope the early morning frosts do not kill the blossom before it has time to set.
Delicate white blossom

There are some beautiful flowers in bloom.
Look at the detail
A delicate shade of pale yellow

I love this old shed. It belongs to the time when the allotments were first formed during the Depression when the villagers were very poor.
I love the bleached look of the planks
Not high enough to stand up in

These are flower arrangements I made for the bishop's visit.
Daffodils and iris
The Lady altar

Baabaara the sheep originally came from the Sheepfest in Sedbergh. Since then she has had body contouring, plastic surgery, a facial, colours and a complete makeover. She is hoping to be a pinup girl for Carrs Billington Lamb Feeds who have sponsored her handbag.
Does anyone want me to be their pinup? 

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