Friday 2 January 2015

Happy New Year

Over the Christmas holiday I had a walk around Wetheral near Carlisle. We started the walk just past the village green past Wetheral Priory Gatehouse.
Eden sandstone

The gatehouse had a castellated tower.
Rapunzel where art thou?

We had to cross the Settle - Carlisle railway line.
A signal box just in view

A  railway viaduct. 
Twin arches

A derelict outbuilding.
I love the pan tiles

Notice the weight on the gate to ensure it is closed after use.
Push hard to close after use

This farmer built a tower so he could look out of the window for potential river poachers.
Spy tower

Notice the rock strata.
Crevices in the rock

This seat is part of the Eden Benchmarks project and was made by Tim Shutter.
Angel wings and stone padded cushions
More design than function

Corby Castle home of the Howard family.
The house on the hill

The waterfall cascades down the hillside

The caves were originally inhabited by hermits and later by monks.
Simplistic habitation

This tree trunk looks like a cave.
I wonder what is inside?

Wavy fungus

Look at the colourful fungus on this tree trunk.
Orange ripples

Bulrushes along the river.
Spear heads

Can you see a deer head formed by the tree branches.
A deer head with large antlers

A field of young Christmas trees. 
Little Christmas trees

I made these pottery birds as presents for my daughters.
Blue bird.

Red bird.
Felling a little sleepy

Green bird.

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