Thursday 20 November 2014

Hills and Hartside

Last Friday I drove from Melmerby in the Eden Valley along the A686 to Hartside. This is regarded as on of the best drives in the world and I have to agree. I have done this trip in all weathers across all seasons and I am never disappointed with the magnificence of the sheer natural beauty.

At the start of the climb looking back towards the Eden Valley.
Undulating hills 

As you get higher the quality of the soil is poorer.
Look at the dry stone wall field boundaries

The bracken has died back and the trees are bare.
The hills meet the road

Lovely signposts from the days when the local authority was Cumberland.
How many miles to Alston?

As you climb more and more of the spectacular view is revealed. The road twists and turns so the view is constantly changing.
Now the Lakeland hills can be viewed in the distance.

More barren  rock is exposed on the hillside.

Tubes for new trees to protect them from rabbits and deer

A moorland landscape at the top of Hartside which is 756 metres high. 
A regiment of conifers adds a patch of green to a bleak landscape.

A field barn stands lonely with only a few sheep for company. 
On the Alston side of the Hartside summit.

Looking across towards Cross Fell.
If you look carefully you can see a few houses scattered in the landscape.

Looking through the barren tree branches towards a stream. 
Gnarled and twisted branches covered in moss and lichen

Look at the rock strata and the tufted grass. 
Chunky slabs of rock

A dry stone wall.
Look at the structure of the wall. Some stones go through the wall and these are known as
'throughs' and they lock both sides of the wall together.

I saw this from the road between Bolton Abbey and Blubberhouses in North Yorkshire. Halloween meets the Tour de France or as it is known in Yorkshire the Tour de Yorkshire.
No broomstick for me, cackle cackle

On a house wall in Harrogate.
A tour de force.

The sky at this time of the year can be beautiful.

The clouds are tinted with the setting sun

The colours change so quickly. Look at the spaces between the clouds.
Can you see the vapour trail of a plane like an arrow in the sky?

Do you think sheep are interested in a sunset?
The hills are bathed in the palest of pale pink hues

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