Friday 20 June 2014


Last Saturday I visited the Cumberland Show in Carlisle. There were some beautiful Clydesdale horses on show. The manes and tails are decorated differently depending if they come from Scotland or England.
Ribbon plaited mane
The English tails are plaited and the Scottish tails are cut
The owners put talcum powder on the horses feathered feet and as the horse walks there is a shower of white dust.

Known as gentle giants

A rare sight

No messing with this bull.

Big and beefy Simmental
Pretty Jersey with big eyes.

Jersey calf
Shepherds crooks on show.

Crook heads made of wood or horn
An enormous modern tractor.

Huge wheels
An old tractor.

Vintage tractor
History of the tractor
In the craft tent there are various children's competitions. The decorated spoon.

I love the Gru character from Despicable Me
Vegetable art.

Oh la la Mr Butternut squash

Flower heads floating in a vase.

Dainty arrangement
Walking around the show was a man on stilts. The ground was very uneven.

Sooo tall

This cow produces dairy ice cream.

What is it's milk yield?

It was Appleby horse fair the week before last and there were a lot of round top caravans making there way back across Hartside.

These caravans are always beautifully decorated

The delphiniums are all in flower. They come in many shades and hues.

Pale blue
Gentle blue
Royal blue
I have started to harvest mini cucumbers.

We are picking several cucumbers each day
I am going to make elderflower cordial from flower heads, lemon, water and sugar.

Delicate lace like elderflower
Bobby Barley is very excited about the world cup. A friend bought him a new hat.

Go England
Boozie Floosie has been in rehab but I am not sure how successful that has been. She is still clutching a bunch of grapes and rumour has it that she lost her wine glass in a drunken revelry at the local pub.

Love the orange shoes such bad taste

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