Friday 27 June 2014

Roses are Blooming

Another week of hot weather until Wednesday when we had our first rain for several weeks. This should really encourage the plants to grow as the soil has got very dry.

The countryside in Cumbria is very beautiful. This is the view looking towards Garrigill near Alston.

Moors have their own beauty
Hills and valleys
Can you see the track over the moor?
In St Augustine's church in Alston is a clock brought from Dilston Hall the home of the Earl of Derwentwater as a gift to the Greenwich Hospital in 1767. The clock originates from the 16 century and it only has one hand.

Amazing and it keeps accurate time
The mock orange is heavily laden with blossom and has a lovely perfume.

A shower of flowers
The roses are at their peak and there are some stunning colours.

Apricot and pink
Pure white

Buttercup yellow, cream and pink hues
Can you see the bumble bee?
The clematis are also coming into bloom.

This clematis is at the entrance to the Artful Garden
On the wall on the opposite side of the entrance
Large blooms for a small plant

Harvesting has now begun. This is the first full sized carrot I have picked from my grow bag.

Taste is all
I have made some strawberry jam from bought strawberries as I dismantled the former strawberry bed to make room for the runner beans.

Yummy jam

The elderflower is all in bloom. I have made several batches of elderflower cordial. I have tried different recipes and this is the one I prefer.

Delicate elderflower cordial

Elderflower cordial

Gather about 20 fresh white elderflower heads on a sunny morning when they are at their best. This is not an exact science as the size of the flower heads vary. Shake the flower heads to remove any bugs. Pull the flower blooms off the stems and put in a bowl. The more of the stems you can discard the better.

1 litre of boiling water
2 lemons zest and juice
6oz granulated sugar

Pour the boiling water into a bowl add the sugar and stir until dissolved. Add the lemon zest and juice and the flower heads.

Cover the bowl and leave to stand 1 - 2 days stirring morning and night.

Strain the cordial through muslin and decant into sterilised bottles.

Dilute to taste.

The Bottle Boys are not happy.Their recent tanning experience was not positive and now their hair extensions have gone astray. Some still have a few bald gaps which are not flattering. until they get some hair restorer they are keeping a low profile.

Anyone got a bottle of hair restorer or know Wayne Rooney's hairdresser?

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