Friday 30 May 2014

Tales of Travels

I have had various trips recently including a visit to Glasgow that is preparing for the Commonwealth Games. There is some amazing wall art appearing around the city.


Last Monday I walked up Cross Fell from Kirkland. Cross Fell is a mountain 893 mtrs. and is the highest summit in England outside the Lake District. The terrain alters as you climb. The views from the summit were superb, stunning panoramas and you could tell that the earth was round.

The trig point on the summit of Cross Fell
Dark mysterious peat bogs.

Shiny black 
Bubble effect rocks.

Foaming rocks
I can see Cross Fell from my house and I now smile when I think of the 8.54 mile walk.

These are views as I drove down Hartside. At this time of the year there is a variation in field colour. The grass length varies, some grass has been cut for silage and you can tell which fields have had fertiliser applied to them.

Looking towards the Lakeland hills
Looking towards Scotland
A view of Great Dun Fell.

Radar station for air traffic control for the north of England

I found this horse in the Trinity Centre in Leeds, a welcome relief from all the shops. 

Wire horse

Harrogate is hosting a stage of the Tour de France and this novelty wheel is a countdown clock.

How many cyclists can you see?
I also saw a gold post box. Post boxes were painted gold in certain towns where gold medal Olympians lived.

Golden post
The post box was in honour of Alistair Brownlee

There are so many lovely flowers coming into bloom. Bright coloured geums.

Bright red dramatic colours
Sunny yellow
The peonies are so majestic and regal.

Peonies come in many shades
This lupin is always very vibrant and flowers for ages.

Intense blue

The purple iris are striking.

Deep hues

Comfrey is now in bloom.

Comfrey has a very large tap root
Day lilies look very pretty.

As the name suggests each flower lasts just a day

Pink campions are in the hedgerows.

Pretty in pink
These pretty blue campanulas make lovely ground cover.

Purple bonnets
The broad beans are growing well with all the sun and rain.

The flowers are just beginning to form
The strawberries are in flower with promise of delicious fruit.

Dainty white flowers

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