Friday 16 May 2014

Sun and Seeds

This moody sky I saw last Friday when I was travelling over Hartside.

A view from Hartside looking towards the Eden valley
On Tuesday we had our first summers day, glorious blue sky and temperatures in the 20c's. This has been followed by rain showers so everything is growing like topsy. I have had a busy week weeding and planting.

In the Artful Garden I have planted radish, beetroot, rainbow chard, peas and turnip. Most of the vegetable beds are now full with just some space left for courgettes and runner beans.

I have all my bedding plants on my patio at home waiting another week before I plant them in the garden.

Plant trays brimming over
The horse chestnut trees are now in flower.

White candelabras
This clematis is in full bloom.

Boozy Floosie in front of the clematis
I love these dainty yellow Welsh poppies that are so fragile.

Poppy power
The fern fronds are starting to uncurl.

Fern curls remind me of shepherd's crooks
The strawberry plants in in flower.

Hopefully there will be plenty of strawberries
I have to keep cutting the plants back as they are very invasive and grow through the cracks in the flags.

Tufted blue flowers
The fruit is forming on the gooseberry and red currant bushes.

Red currant flowers with berries starting to form
Gooseberries need to be bigger and less green before they are ripe
Rain water collects in the leaves of the archimelia mollis.

Rain drops are falling on my....

The Wirey Piper birds are having a problem perching in the tree.

Chirp chirp
These are the photos I am submitting as part of the Ravenbridge Stores Grand Photo Competition. 

Lady in pink

Lotta Bottle has been to the health farm and come back more glamourous. Her new hair extensions are causing a stir.

Hi Boys look at ME and not the bunny or the yellow dude
Just buzzing
Welcome to Kirkoswald 

1 comment:

  1. Those California poppies are Welsh poppies I'll have you know, all looking really good. ��
