Friday 14 March 2014

Spring has Sprung

At last we have had several days of warm sunshine and everything in the garden has grown like crazy. Some mornings there has been a thick mist but this has soon burnt away to reveal warm weather and blue sky. Such a welcome after all ther rain and grey skies.

I saw my first local spring lambs this week in a field on the way to Melmerby.

Spring has arrived

The grape hyacinths are now starting to come into flower. Soon they will form a carpet in my front flower beds.

These bonny blue flowers will grow in any nook or cranny

These royal blue iris are in a pot near my patio doors.

Blue beauty

The primulas are begining to show their heads.

Purple pom pom

I have taken every opportunity of the warm weather to garden. I have been weeding the flower beds and clearing the old debris. As I was weeding I dug up a frog. It was still in hibernation, so I quickly took a photo and then covered it with soil. It was quite a surprise, but at least with it being still it did not make me jump.

A frog he would a snoozing go

I have planted my first seeds and put them in the greenhouse. We are getting frosts at night after the warm sunny days.

Flowers and vegetable seeds

There is still snow on the hills that can be enhanced by the colour of the sky.

Looking towards the Lakeland hills on the way up Hartside
Moody sky and snowy hill tops
This is the bleak landscape looking towards Cross Fell from the Alston side of Hartside.

Bleak and mysterious

This boundary stone is on the road to Hartside near the Renwick junction.

I love the lichen that has aged the stone

The streams on Hartside are still full flood.

A rugged landscape

It is my middle daughters 30 birthday so I have made her a special card. It includes a poem written by her Dad and photos of herself growing up. I make these cards for special birthdays and occasions.

Happy Birthday

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