Friday 21 March 2014

Daffodils and Dried Flowers

There has been mixed weather this week, sunshine rain and strong winds but still opportunities to garden. I have now got my home garden ship shape and have started clearing the flowerbeds in the Artful Garden. I am waiting for the opportunity to transplant some forgetmenots and sweet williams which I hope to be able to do in the next few days.

New shoots begining to form
The red currant bush is now in full flower.

Bunches of grape like blossom
Crocuses look beautiful when they form a carpet a colour.

Classic blue and white
The daffodils are now in flower and there is a lovely range of colours and hues.

Daffodils against the barn wall
Daffodils in the Artful Garden
This beautiful Easter cross is in the graveyard of St Oswald's church in Kirkoswald.

I love primroses and they are just beginning to stretch their necks towards the sun.

Golden tips

Ballet skirt flowers

I am growing this cardoon as I love the silver pointed leaves.

Also I like the architectural qualities of this plant
I have made some dried flower posies from the flowers I grew in the Artful Garden last year.

Pinks and reds
Yellows and blues
Golden hues
Reds and purple
Pretty in pink
Autumnal shades
This pretty market cross was in Melbourne in Derbyshire.

A beautiful spire and pretty barge boards on the houses

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