Thursday 25 April 2013

Spring Update

What a difference a week makes to a garden with some warm weather. On Sunday I saw a lone swallow dip and dive over the barn roof, a beautiful sight. There are many new born lambs in the fields. My Mum used to turn over a silver coin when she saw her first lamb of the season and we have about 30 years of 'lucky lamb silver.'
Swaledale sheep on the Pennine hills
There is still a band a snow around the summit of Cross Fell 893 metres, the highest point on the Pennine hills. According to local farmer lore the weather will not warm up until this snow melts on Cross Fell. I view the Pennine hills from my house, and on a clear day I can see Hartside cafe which is on the summit, other days when the cloud is low I only see river Eden or maybe the first row of hills. I am very fortunate to have such stunning and changeable view.  

The leaves on the hedgerows have opened into fresh green leaf. My mock red currant bush, has had the flowers swollen by some rain so it looks a picture. It has a distinctive smell when you rub the leaves and it is buzzing with bees.
Red Currant Bush
I found a lovely little violet that had self seeded in a crack by my back doorstep.
Wild Violets
Celandine's are in flower so I experimented with hanging them up to dry. Do this when the flower heads are open (they close up when it is not sunny) and you end up with a very delicate bunch of yellow buds.
Dried Celandine's in a coffee can (cup)
I have been sowing a lot of vegetable, flower and herb seeds in my greenhouse and it is now full. New this year for me is asparagus. I have planted out in the Artful Garden my broad beans, not all of them germinated.

All the artwork in the Artful Garden has been repaired, as over the winter the strong winds, snow and endless rain have tested their durability.
The Lotsa Bottle Babes have had a makeover and are sporting new lipstick eye shadow and have some very fetching unique designer head wear and some to dye for scarves.

Lotsa Bottle Babes

Babes Rave and Maeve
A display I have created using objects I have found around the farm. 
Spot the difference between real and artificial flowers
When digging both in my home garden and in the Artful Garden I find pieces of broken china, unusual stones and metal objects. The pottery spoons I made, they were inspired by my love of flowers. 
Found and created objects a joy to explore


  1. Looks like spring is finally coming, please send the swallow over the hill.

  2. I did see some swallows when I drove over Hartside, also some beautiful curlews so they should be on their way to you.
