Friday 10 November 2017

Solway Surprises

Last weekend we visited the Solway Coast near Dumfries. The landscape is fascinating. Hummocks of grass are covered with crushed shells. The grass is covered by the sea a high tide.
Look at the layers

The sand was more like mud

 This natural pattern made by the sea looks like land art.
Formed by seaweed and shells

Daisies growing in the sand.
They must be able to withstand the salt water

A Cycle Network marker.
Lovely symbols

Highland cows.
Och the moo

We saw this Christmas tree on the beach left over from last year.
A sea tree

Golden pheasants.
Not very decorative 

How would you like this as a play house?
I love the seat

Looking along the beach.
Looking towards England

wonderful sunset. 
Moody sky

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