Friday 20 October 2017

Wet and Weeding

There has been strong gales and heavy rain this week but I have managed  some gardening in between the showers. I have got my allotment weeded. I am still harvesting kale, sprouts and leeks. The runner beans and raspberries have come to an end.
I have a good crop of leeks

In my garden at home there are still flowers in bloom. Red asters.
Bright pink

Nerines give a splash of pink.
Pink exotics

A bears paw.
Beware of the bear

Some lupins have come back into flower.
A pretty white lupin

The bright red bistort makes a splash of colour.
Bottle brushes

Lichen on a gate stoop.
Wonderful colours

This oak tree has split its trunk but is still alive.
Can you see a female torso?

Sunrise this morning.
A milky sky

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