Friday 15 September 2017

Relish the Relishes

I have spent quite a lot of this week harvesting and turning the surplus into Hot Tomato Relish and Beetroot  Relish. Most of the ingredients are from my gardens except I buy some tomatoes as tiny tomatoes are fiddly to peel. The kitchen always smells strongly of vinegar the following morning.

I use hot yellow peppers in my tomato relish and the taste is judged by the fire power of the peppers and spices. The family like it hot, hot, hot. Beetroot relish is new this year as I had a surplus. 
I use plastic gloves to prepare them and they make your eyes sting. No pain no gain.

My onions have been drying in the greenhouse. I have plaited them this year and stored them in a sack.
A good crop this year

I now have my spuds drying to be stored in sacks.
All shapes and sizes good for mashing and roasting

I am still picking Autumn raspberries and freezing the perfect ones.
They need picking on alternate days
Raspberries and giant blackberries for the freezer

The mint in the gardens is in flower.
I have used some in a herb wreath

The Autumn crocus looks very pretty.
Vibrant colours and beautiful stamens

A lupin has come back into flower.
A lupin and one of my pottery houses

These yellow daisies are a lovely shape.
There centres look like buttons

We had a walk in Grizedale Forest where I saw this tree.
It amazes me how tree roots entwine into rocks

There was a variety of toadstools.
The shape is like you find in children's books

I love the name of this street in Keswick.
You  could imagine this in a Harry Potter novel

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