Friday 8 September 2017

Happy Harvesting

 I have continued weeding this week and also making large amounts of runner bean pickle and hot tomato relish. Both family favourites.

My runner beans are very prolific.
I can just reach the top of the bean poles

The cardoon in all it's splendour.
They look as if they should do a Highland fling

The trees are ladened with apples.
Where is Snow White?

On my trip down from Hartside there is interesting strata.
Jagged rocky outcrops

Undulating ground.
Dips and grooves

Bleak vistas.
Just a few lone trees

Kirkoswald castle.
The castle is a ruin and is just next to the Artful Garden

I am harvesting turnips and sweetcorn.
The sweetcorn is so sweet you could eat it raw

Chard and spinach.
The rainbow chard is a vibrant red


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