Saturday 30 September 2017

Canal Capers

We were very lucky that for the two weeks we were away the weather was good. We had three lunches sitting on the towpath soaking up the rays.
Jill our border collie was frightened of the locks all the noise and rush of water so we came home early.
We did many dog walks in the countryside exploring fields and villages.

One day we found some field mushrooms. They were delicious.
To test if they are safe to eat remove the stalk and check for grubs

Bulrushes were growing along the banks.
I always think of Moses

This is a staircase lock where you have to fill the locks in a strict order so there is enough water for your boat to move either up or down the canal.
At the bottom lock of three 

Inside a lock. They all vary in depth and some paddles are very difficult to turn and gates to open.
Water gushes into the lock

You can just see the last of the sunflowers in this field.
Faded glory

We saw two fields of pumpkins some were enormous.
Where is the sun?

The farmer's have started to plough the fields.
Can you see the lone tree on the sky line?

Conkers are now in season.
A double conker

Autumn hues along the canal. Canals are always peaceful even if you are close to a road or rail track.
Tranquility at it's best

A butterfly made from flowers at Preston Grange Garden Centre.
A rare species

open thss 

Friday 15 September 2017

Relish the Relishes

I have spent quite a lot of this week harvesting and turning the surplus into Hot Tomato Relish and Beetroot  Relish. Most of the ingredients are from my gardens except I buy some tomatoes as tiny tomatoes are fiddly to peel. The kitchen always smells strongly of vinegar the following morning.

I use hot yellow peppers in my tomato relish and the taste is judged by the fire power of the peppers and spices. The family like it hot, hot, hot. Beetroot relish is new this year as I had a surplus. 
I use plastic gloves to prepare them and they make your eyes sting. No pain no gain.

My onions have been drying in the greenhouse. I have plaited them this year and stored them in a sack.
A good crop this year

I now have my spuds drying to be stored in sacks.
All shapes and sizes good for mashing and roasting

I am still picking Autumn raspberries and freezing the perfect ones.
They need picking on alternate days
Raspberries and giant blackberries for the freezer

The mint in the gardens is in flower.
I have used some in a herb wreath

The Autumn crocus looks very pretty.
Vibrant colours and beautiful stamens

A lupin has come back into flower.
A lupin and one of my pottery houses

These yellow daisies are a lovely shape.
There centres look like buttons

We had a walk in Grizedale Forest where I saw this tree.
It amazes me how tree roots entwine into rocks

There was a variety of toadstools.
The shape is like you find in children's books

I love the name of this street in Keswick.
You  could imagine this in a Harry Potter novel

Friday 8 September 2017

Happy Harvesting

 I have continued weeding this week and also making large amounts of runner bean pickle and hot tomato relish. Both family favourites.

My runner beans are very prolific.
I can just reach the top of the bean poles

The cardoon in all it's splendour.
They look as if they should do a Highland fling

The trees are ladened with apples.
Where is Snow White?

On my trip down from Hartside there is interesting strata.
Jagged rocky outcrops

Undulating ground.
Dips and grooves

Bleak vistas.
Just a few lone trees

Kirkoswald castle.
The castle is a ruin and is just next to the Artful Garden

I am harvesting turnips and sweetcorn.
The sweetcorn is so sweet you could eat it raw

Chard and spinach.
The rainbow chard is a vibrant red


Friday 1 September 2017

Weary from Weeding

I have spent the week trying to get on top of my allotment as there are masses of weeds. I have made a start on the Artful Garden but I am busy harvesting and making chutneys and relishes in between gardening shifts.
Today is the first day of Autumn and there is definitely a chill in the air early in mornings and evenings.

The wild flowers on my allotment are now in full bloom.
Borage and calendula

I am harvesting my carrots that I have grown in a grow bag.

I have a variety of phlox growing in my garden at home.
Variegated pink

Not many of the zinnias I grew from seed have survived.

You can see how poached egg plants get their name.
One egg or two?
Japanese anemone.
These grow rampant in my garden

The farmer's are harvesting the wheat.
Ears of corn