Friday 7 July 2017

Mix and Match

It has been a mixed week of weather some very wet days and others warm and sunny. I have continued to update my artwork on wet days and then have been frantically weeding and getting the Artful Garden and my allotment ready for the Cumbria in Bloom visit next Wednesday.

On a walk along the river I saw an orchid.
It is part of a wild flower meadow

Also giant hogweed with blooms the size of a dustbin lid. 

Heather on the moor is coming into flower.
Bell heather

This is the centre of a peony flower.

The mallow is attracting the bees.
A froth of pink

I have started to harvest my kale.
Crispy kale

These carrots are a heritage variety.
Crepeus Paperus  and Wooly nets

The runner beans are starting to grow.
They have bean a long time growing

This is a french holding basket that make a good flower container.
Not fish but flower

Bobby Barley has returned to the Artful Garden. The straw hen has been re thatched.
Do you like my socks?

I have painted the ghords I grew last year and put then on canes in both gardens.
I have created a marbling effect
Only two knobbly ghords survived
The painting is abstract flowers

The farmers are making hay.
Hoping the sun will keep shining

A view from Hartside looking towards the Solway.

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