Friday 5 May 2017

Sun Soak up

It has been a dry and warm week apart from a strong wind which was the Helm Bar earlier in the week.
I have been busy preparing the brassica bed on my allotment to plant out my cauliflower, kale, brussel sprouts and cabbage. I had to water the ground to allow me to dig and then rake the soil. I have made my own cabbage collars from a plastic bag and have put scaffolding net over the plants. 
Cauliflower seedlings
A blackbird and thrush have been accompanying me as they were looking for worms. Birds are now carrying nest building materials in their beaks.

The bluebells are at their best.
I have the odd pink and white bluebell

The blackberry bush is in bud.
I hope I have a good crop

Strange fruit on the apple tree on my allotment.
A mystery

I have earthed up my potatoes.
The potatoes in the Artful Garden are just beginning to show

These dainty white flowers open with the sunshine.
White stars

The cardoon is growing very quickly with the heat.
I love sunshine

I love bracken fronds as they start to uncurl.
Shepherd's crooks

The path to the Artful Garden.
Aubretia and Welsh poppies

I made this wreath from apple blossom and honesty.
Delicate blossom

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