Friday 19 May 2017

Digging Done

I have finally finished digging over the last section of my allotment. It rained on Tuesday and that made a big difference to making the soil soft and easier to get a spade through. I had a long digging session so that I could plant some lupins as a green manure.

I have planted some parsnip and turnip seed in the Artful Garden. Something has been munching on my brassicas so I am hoping the slug pellets will do the trick. On Sunday we planted the sweetcorn under the propagator. 

Many plants are coming into flower. The hydrangea against the barn wall soaks up the sun.
Dainty white flower clusters

The Montana clematis clambers around the apple tree.
Masses of pink blooms

Pink campion brightens the border next to the lawn.
Pretty in pink

The peonies are now in flower.
They look very regal

A  white bleeding heart.
Dainty white bells

I love the dew as it collects in the archmelia mollis.
Drip, drip, drip

The horse chestnut tree is in flower.
Horse chestnut candles

A view in the High Peak in Derbyshire.
Looking towards Manchester

Cow parsley smothers the verges.
Frothy white

I love this giant pineapple in Manchester Art gallery.
Jan Malone is the potter

The Bottle Babes and Boys have returned to the Artful Garden.
Looking good
Anyone for a snifter?
A close up of my hat

Anyone for bubbles?

Glam or us

Friday 12 May 2017

Sizzling Sunshine

Another busy gardening week with mixed weather. The Helm wind was blowing on Tuesday night and was so strong that it moved one of my very heavy plant pots and broke one of my favourite pottery birds. By Wednesday the wind had dropped and we have had hot weather. That evening I was weeding on my allotment in just my T shirt until 8pm. I have made great progress with my weeding. We now have a hosepipe on the allotment that allows me to water the soil before I dig, this helps to break down the sods. I hope to finish clearing the plot by the end of next week. I am up to date with all my weeding in the Artful Garden and at home. Unfortunately we have a young rabbit in the Artful Garden.

I have planted borage and phacelia seedlings against the hedge on the allotment. A large border of wildflowers in the middle of my plot. Also leeks, spinach and chard. I have made windmills as bird scarers.

The plants are now looking more healthy

Most of the trees are in leaf and there is nothing more wonderful than to drive under an arch of trees and see the dappled patterns made by the sunlight. The hawthorn is now in bloom and smells so sweet.
Tiny dots on the end of the stamens

We have made the sweetcorn propagator which is warming up the soil before we plant the sweetcorn.
Our allotment hot house

The strawberries are in flower.
We need rain to bring on the fruit

The dandelions have now turned to seed - dandelion clocks. As a child you blew the seeds and counted the number of times it took to blow all the seeds away. This told you the time.
Dandelions in all there stages of growth
A beautiful dandelion clock

Woad flowers growing in my garden at home.
You use the leaves for dyeing

The golden hop is growing quickly.
I keep winding it around the trellis

A view across the Eden Valley from Hartside.
Look at the field patterns

I am starting to redecorate my allotment shed and have acquired some veg. 
'Fresh veg'

Friday 5 May 2017

Sun Soak up

It has been a dry and warm week apart from a strong wind which was the Helm Bar earlier in the week.
I have been busy preparing the brassica bed on my allotment to plant out my cauliflower, kale, brussel sprouts and cabbage. I had to water the ground to allow me to dig and then rake the soil. I have made my own cabbage collars from a plastic bag and have put scaffolding net over the plants. 
Cauliflower seedlings
A blackbird and thrush have been accompanying me as they were looking for worms. Birds are now carrying nest building materials in their beaks.

The bluebells are at their best.
I have the odd pink and white bluebell

The blackberry bush is in bud.
I hope I have a good crop

Strange fruit on the apple tree on my allotment.
A mystery

I have earthed up my potatoes.
The potatoes in the Artful Garden are just beginning to show

These dainty white flowers open with the sunshine.
White stars

The cardoon is growing very quickly with the heat.
I love sunshine

I love bracken fronds as they start to uncurl.
Shepherd's crooks

The path to the Artful Garden.
Aubretia and Welsh poppies

I made this wreath from apple blossom and honesty.
Delicate blossom