Friday 19 June 2015

Plants a Plenty

There has been some warm days but still cold nights. I have had a busy few weeks planting out bedding plants at home and in the Artful Garden. A friends terrier chased away the two rabbits I had in the Artful Garden so the plants should now grow nibble free.

Many of the summer plants are now in flower with borders a riot of colour. The side border in the Artful Garden planted up with bedding plants and perennials.
Blue hues
A border in my home garden.
Can you see the pottery house?

Iris and lupin, purple perfection.
Blooming lovely

The lupin is a stunning colour and shade.
Lavender blue

Aquilegia comes in many sizes, colours and varieties.
Like purple dandelion clocks
Bells and bonnets

My peonies are hanging pendulous from their stalks.

Red campion fills the hedgerows and a border in the Artful Garden.
Red buttons

Poppy power.
Look at the detail

Day lillies though short lived always look beautiful.
Yellow trumpets

Acid yellow Dyers Woad.
This adds zing to the flower border

I have planted out the runner beans.
Has anyone seen Jack?

I have only one cucumber plant that has survived in the greenhouse and this is our first cucumber.
Larger than life

I have acquired half an allotment which needs the ground clearing. There are a few strawberry, raspberry and rhubarb plants on the plot and a lot of beautiful buttercups. Also a lot of couch grass which is not a gardener's friend.
The challenge
Beautiful buttercups

Summer colours.
Euphorbia, geum, astrantia and snapdragon

Last week I did a workshop with class 3 children from Kirkoswald school making costumes for their school play a 'Load of Rubbish.' I had to devise a wide variety of costumes including a turnip, ink cartridge, perfume bottle, duster and dessert pot. The performance was in the open air and was brilliant, very well acted by all the children and a credit to the teaching staff. I hope to feature photos on the blog in the next few weeks.

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