Friday 26 June 2015

Fabulous Foxgloves

I have been busy trying to keep on top of all my gardens. I have now almost finished planting out my bedding plants. I have lost nearly all my sunflowers due to the cold weather and rabbit damage. Many of the plants in the herbaceous border are looking at their best.

White foxgloves.
Pure white trumpets
Pale pink foxgloves.
Look how the colour deepens after each section of the flower head opens

Wild foxgloves.
Spotted throats

White campion currently dominates the wild flower border.
Dainty stars

Jacobs Ladder loves to self seed.
A buzz of blue

Comfrey is very good for attracting bees.
Clusters of flower blossom

Alchemillla Mollis. I love the way raindrops collect in the leaves. When the leaves are wet they sparkle.
Raindrops are falling on my...

The gooseberries are almost ripe.
Soon we will be having gooseberry pie

The blackcurrant berries just need to ripen.
Bring me sunshine

A stunning cornflower.
A wonderful structure

There are some beautiful clematis in flower. This Jackmanii is next to the wheelie bins.
Purple haze

This pretty white clematis clambers over the farm wall.
Crossed flower heads

Turks Head lillies so striking.
Turkish turbans peeping over the nettles

Turbans and tassels

A wild orchid.
Deep purple orchid

 Blue Meadow Cranesbill.
Dainty cups of blue with white throats

A misty morning ride over Hartside. The fog floated and drifted as I climbed higher and higher.
Looking towards the Lakeland hills

The Rock Chicks have had their colours done.
Chick us out

Rock me baby

Friday 19 June 2015

Plants a Plenty

There has been some warm days but still cold nights. I have had a busy few weeks planting out bedding plants at home and in the Artful Garden. A friends terrier chased away the two rabbits I had in the Artful Garden so the plants should now grow nibble free.

Many of the summer plants are now in flower with borders a riot of colour. The side border in the Artful Garden planted up with bedding plants and perennials.
Blue hues
A border in my home garden.
Can you see the pottery house?

Iris and lupin, purple perfection.
Blooming lovely

The lupin is a stunning colour and shade.
Lavender blue

Aquilegia comes in many sizes, colours and varieties.
Like purple dandelion clocks
Bells and bonnets

My peonies are hanging pendulous from their stalks.

Red campion fills the hedgerows and a border in the Artful Garden.
Red buttons

Poppy power.
Look at the detail

Day lillies though short lived always look beautiful.
Yellow trumpets

Acid yellow Dyers Woad.
This adds zing to the flower border

I have planted out the runner beans.
Has anyone seen Jack?

I have only one cucumber plant that has survived in the greenhouse and this is our first cucumber.
Larger than life

I have acquired half an allotment which needs the ground clearing. There are a few strawberry, raspberry and rhubarb plants on the plot and a lot of beautiful buttercups. Also a lot of couch grass which is not a gardener's friend.
The challenge
Beautiful buttercups

Summer colours.
Euphorbia, geum, astrantia and snapdragon

Last week I did a workshop with class 3 children from Kirkoswald school making costumes for their school play a 'Load of Rubbish.' I had to devise a wide variety of costumes including a turnip, ink cartridge, perfume bottle, duster and dessert pot. The performance was in the open air and was brilliant, very well acted by all the children and a credit to the teaching staff. I hope to feature photos on the blog in the next few weeks.

Friday 5 June 2015

Railway and Rainbows

 I have had a busy week planting out my bedding plants in plant pots of various shapes and sizes and styles.
There are many swallows flying overhead which is lovely to see. This morning I had a group of five swans fly overhead. You can hear them approach as the beat of their wings is very loud.

I travelled along the Settle - Carlisle railway. Unfortunately it was a rainy day so some of the photos are not too clear.

The lamp post at Ribblehead looks like something out of the 'Lion Witch and the Wardrobe.'
An historic light

A view looking down into the valley from the Ribblehead Viaduct.
Bleak and wild

Horton in Ribblesdale which way to go?
How many miles 

A former station wagon now a garden planter.
Everything is painted in maroon, the colour of the former Midland Railway

Wooden planks to act as a snow break.
 The planks look like blunt teeth

Can you see the faint rainbow?
Faded beauty

This statue is at Brougham Hall, Penrith.
Just doing my exercises

Not any old toilet.
Are these medieval toilets?

The candelabras on the horse chestnut trees are in flower.
Decked with blossom

The farmers are making silage. The grass has been cut and is drying in the field.
The grass is cut and dried in rows

Can you see the bleached yellow field after it has been cleared of silage?
On a good year farmers can get several cuts of silage

A field of buttercups.
Golden buttercups

A hydrangea next to the barn wall.
White wonder

My latest creations The Marker Maids.
Pegging out

Amber Maid.
Jolly good show

Bonnie Blue Maid.
Have you photographed my best side?