Thursday 28 May 2015

Wedding Wonders

Again this week we have had rain and some cold nights down to 7C. I have discovered a rabbit in the garden. Despite surrounding the garden with rabbit wire it tunnelled in under the bent wire on the field gate. It is now munching away on my bedding plants in bunny Utopia. I am not a happy bunny. Watch out bunny.
Luckily I had only planted out a few of these bedding plants

These are the flowers I did for a friend's wedding. Using the church window ledges was a new technique and a challenge for me.The bride and her mother were very happy with the final result. I was able to use foliage from the Artful Garden and my home garden.
A display in the church entrance
White, pink roses and stocks, a lovely perfume
I decorated the altar vases with lace
Bracken, ivy, euphorbia just some of the foliage I used
The display compliments the window

The May blossom is just coming into flower such an intense perfume of sunny days and cloudless skies.
Will May flowers bring forth sun not showers?

Cow parsley is now in flower on the verges.
Cow parsley heads nod in the breeze

The dandelions have turned to seed.
Yellow dandelion buttons

Feathery dandelion clocks. Blow the seed heads away to see what time it is.
One o'clock, two o' clock three o' clock four?

The broom is a bright acid yellow splash in the verge.
Yellow beads

Beautiful water buttercups such a rich golden yellow.
Golden stars

Deep maroon cosmos.
Feathery foliage and red jewels

This rhododendron is just smothered with blooms.
Pink personified

Delicate orange welsh poppies.
Fragile and dainty

The farmers are ploughing their fields. 
Plough a straight furrow

This tree trunk looks like a gnarled giant's hand.
Witches fingers 

Look at the variety of edible fungus for sale at the greengrocers.
They look like sea creatures

Home grown rhubarb.

I have emptied my plant pots and put the bulbs to dry in the greenhouse. I have labelled the different varieties hoping the labels stay in place for next year's planting.
Daffodil and tulip bulbs

A pottery lady has appeared in the Artful Garden.
It's frightfully cold out here and I've got rather a stiff neck 

At dusk a lone swallow sits on my washing line and chatters like static to it's friends.
Chit, chit, click, click

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