Friday 8 May 2015

Stunning Stirling

The hedgerows are now in full fresh green leaf. This week we have had rain and cold winds.
We have had several rainbows. 

A rainbow promise

Yesterday we had the helm wind blowing. As I drove up Hartside when I got out of the car I had difficulty shutting the car door against the force of the wind.
The band between the clouds and the land is known as the Helm bar

Cowslips are in flower on the roadside.
Cowslips on the verge outside Langwathby
Dainty trumpet bells

Early morning sunrise with the mist floating across the river.
Drifting mist

The sun has risen higher in the sky.

Last week I visited Stirling Castle. The castle entrance.
Friend or foe

A statue to Robert the Bruce.
A brave warrior

The Chapel Royal.
The Royal Palace in the background is painted in 'Kings Gold' a sign of wealth

 Stirling Heads on the ceiling of the Royal Palace.

A fresco.
The unicorn a symbol of purity

A tapestry.
A captured unicorn

A tree illuminated by the sun setting.
Actual colours

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