Friday 6 February 2015

There's Snow Escape

A week last Wednesday we had snow. Since then it has frozen and turned into compacted ice. The Pennine hills and the Lakeland hills look stunning and continue to do so.
Looking towards Blencathra also know as Saddleback.
The Lakeland Alps 

Round topped hills.
Folded hills

Jagged hills.
Snow emphasises shapes and contours
Valleys and peaks

Snow clad fields.
The long view

Deep crunchy snow.
This snow was 20cm deep

At the entrance to Rookin Farm.
The hill shape is like a child's drawing

We saw people sledging and skiing. In Bryson's coffee shop in Keswick there was a snow castle cake.
Cake creations

Snowdrops just peeping through the depth of snow.
Snowdrops struggling to keep cheerful

Crocus like little jets of flame struggling for air.
Two lonely crocus

Snow on the lawn that has turned to ice.

Snowdrops in the orchard of the Artful Garden.
A carpet of snowdrops

As the ground was semi frozen I added cow muck to my vegetable beds in preparation for this year's harvest. It is best to do this when the ground is partly frozen as then you do not walk off the plot with boots clarted in mud. A little robin came to investigate for worms.
A opportunist robin

Crazie Maizie is not looking very happy in the cold weather.
 Baby it's cold outside. It's no good when you a frozen to the spot and can't adjust your clothing

This is my latest pottery tile. I have been experimenting with slip trailing.
Daffodil design

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