Friday 27 February 2015

Snow on Snow

Spring is on its way as the birds are singing in the early morning and looking for twigs, moss and grass to make their nests. The daffodils are struggling to come into bloom.

We are having cold winds and still some snow. These are photos taken a few weeks ago. This is snow that has stayed protected from the warmth of the sun.

Snow on the edge of the road.
Hedgehog snow

Snow sand dunes.
Snow dunes

Snow on the road towards Alston.
A dirty snow verge

This snow was on the top of Hartside, It was about 60 cm high and had been pushed into the verge by the snow plough.
Dirty verge

Leaving Alston yesterday there was a surprise snow shower. The sky was very dramatic as snow was falling one side of the hill and blue sky appearing from the other side. The edge of the clouds looked as though they had been crimped. This all happened within a few minutes.

The clouds drift apart to reveal the intense blue sky.
Drama and movement

Down in the valley there was no snow but the suns rays were very evident.
Rays of sunshine

You do not normally find giraffes in Cumbria.
Watching the passersby
I've got a crick in my neck

This castellated building is part of a farm at Clifton.
A tower of strength

What would it be like to live in this tower?
Where is Rapunzel?

Friday 20 February 2015

Sweetheart Abbey

Last Thursday we had a trip to Scotland to Sandyhills in Dumfrieshire. We stopped at New Abbey and had lunch overlooking Sweetheart Abbey. You need to spend time looking at architecture to see the detail and the skills of the craftsmen. These are the information boards about the area.

A history of the Abbey.
New Abbey is along the Solway estuary

The surrounding area.
More information

Sweetheart Abbey is a ruin.
Look at the detail

It must have looked very attractive in it's heyday.
These gates would not hold back invaders

A large part of the Abbey remains.
Gothic and Roman arches

This hill is called the Criffel and is 750 metres high. You can see it from England.
Look how round topped the hill is, like a child's drawing

An old wagon by the mill.
Has anyone seen my horse?

New Abbey village has some very old houses. For example this white house.
Situated down a side street

The green house looks as if it might have been a shop. Single storey cottages are typical of Scotland.

What did the shop sell?

You could imagine a pony and trap along this street in times gone by.
Sweetheart Abbey in the background

Sunnyhill beach was amazing. The tide was fully out when we arrived so we were able to walk along the beach. You had to be careful as the tide came in very quickly at different points of the beach.
A lovely soft sand beach

Rocks on the beach with the sea in the far distance.
You can just make out the sea on the horizon

The rock was as black as coal and the water made the rock shimmer.
Amazing colours accentuated by the water

 In places the rock strata was cracked into small segments.
The rock looks metallic

Some rocks were in layers like pancakes.
Layers of rock
Slices of rock

Cave formations were found along the beach. Half a cave. 
Enter if you dare

An overhanging cave.
Copper staining the rock

Lichen on the rock.
Curves and twists

Glowing rocks.
The rock looks as if it has been polished

Pinks purples golds and black

A mass of cockle shells washed up on the shore.
How many shells can you see?

Friday 13 February 2015

Raven Ramblings

Last week the snow started to melt. On my drive up Hartside I entered what looked like Arthur's Kingdom. There was thick mist in the Eden Valley. When I was half way up the hill the sky became clear blue and I was able to look down onto the enveloping mist with the Lakeland hills just peeping above the horizon. It was very atmospheric and spectacular.
Drifting and floating

Coming back later that day the hills were covered in a light icing sugar dusting of snow.
Looking into the Eden Valley from Hartside cafe
Another view from Hartside cafe

In places the snow was still very deep especially on the roof of the Spar in Alston.
Don't stand, don't stand too close to me

I had a walk along the Raven in Kirkoswald. This is a very interesting walk at any time of the year.The waterfall at the start of the walk.
Plenty of water from thew snow melt

Looking at the Raven through the trees.
A small weir

The meandering Raven.

Hazel catkins

Snowdrops growing in the leaf litter

I tree enveloped in moss.
A tree in a moss cardigan

A tree that looks like an elephant's foot.
Tread carefully

Is this a witch's hand?
Ready to grab you

A prehistoric hen's foot.
A hen footprint

Frozen ice puddles.
A lobster of ice

Look at the movement and flow.
You can see the water below the surface

The morning and evening skies are fleetingly dramatic. Stunning sunrise and sunset.
Golden morning
A peach blushed sky

The owls I made with the Kirkoswald school children are now in  the Ravenbridge Stores window. This is the notice about the display.
An owlclamation

Hello can you see me?
Excuse me, you're cramping my view

There's no need to shout.
Did you hear the one about the owl and the pussycat?

Two clever.
Well what do four and four make?

Busy doing housework.
I only just tidied up yesterday, who's making all this mess?

Stars in their eyes.
The bright lights beckon

High flier.
Branching out