Friday 18 April 2014

Easter Excitement

We have had some warm days but still light frosts at night. The gardens are in full bloom. Everything is growing like mad including the weeds.

I have planted my potatoes. This year I did not mix up the labels so I should now know which variety is in each row. I have used some tall slate labels as little labels can get lost as you earth up the potatoes. I have also planted potatoes in grow bags which grew successfully last year.

One potato, two potato three potato four

One swallow does not make a summer spring but is was lovely to see one perched on the telephone wire chattering away to his friends.

Like a bird on a wire

The beech hedge has come into leaf, another sign of the progression of spring.

Bursting into leaf

These pretty violets self seed under the beech hedge.

Purple petals

I have a wide variety of daffodils and narcissus in my gardens but the Thalia pheasant eye are particularly beautiful.

You can see how this flower got it's name

Today in the wind I set up the Easter display in the Artful Garden. Easter eggs have appeared hanging from the apple tree.

How many eggs can you see both large and small?

The garden gate is decked with new bunting and the Artful Garden pottery sign.

Peep through the gate to see the Artful Garden

The summerhouse offers a colourful welcome. 

Roll on sunny days

All the scarecrows have had their raincoats removed and are wearing new Easter bonnets. Not everyone has survived the winter very well, there are a few elongated necks and wobbly legs but these will be rectified when they all go to the scarecrow health farm in the next few months.

Charlie Barley was given a stunning Easter hat full of character and personality (a bit like himself)

KO Fried chicken

Lotta Bottle did not want a hat as she thought it would interfere with her hair rollers as she likes to always be on standby in case any admirer wants to take her out. Some admirer has given her a bunch of flowers. Is romance in the air?

Hi Boys

Crazie Maisie must have been line dancing to get that cowboy hat. I do wish 
she would sit more elegantly.

Hi Ya lets boogie

Boozy Floosie is delighted with her hat, nice and bright like her nose.

What a lovely bonnet

Looby Loo has a pretty bonnet and a little basket by her side for the Easter chick. Bobby Barley thought wearing a hat was too girly so he reluctantly agreed to wear bunny ears. I hope they do not hop off.

Looby Loo relaxes whilst Bobby Barley wishes he could play football

Plumsy the pink rabbit is making her debut in the Ravenbrige Stores. Chumsy the chicken is moving into the Artful Garden to be part of the Easter display. Chumsy very much enjoyed being admired and also the chick chat from the Easter chicks.

A happy bunny
Do you like my tail?

Hop along to see me in Ravenbridge Stores

Happy Easter to all my readers.

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