Friday 24 January 2014

A Gander in Gameblesby

Sunday was fine and mild so I had a walk along the country lanes around Gamblesby in the Eden Valley. The sun was illuminating the fields.

A view looking towards the Pennine hills

As I walked along the lane I saw that a gorse bush was in flower.

Bright yellow gorse buds
The air is very clear and there was a lot of moss and lichen on the tree branches.

Moss covered branches a sign of pure air

Also on the dry stone walls.
Mottled patterns of lichen on a dry stone wall 

I found some catkins that had come into flower.

Cats tail catkins

Watercress was growing in the stream.

You need flowing water for watercress to grow

This small building was in a field, I could not work out why it had been built.

Sandstone building in a field

Crabapples were in the verge.

Green crab apples providing food for wildlife

I was surprised to see new born lambs in the field. The breed of sheep is Dorset and these sheep can breed throughout the year.

 A bonny faced Dorset mother with her lambs

In the Eden Valley it is traditional for a field of turnips to be grown and the sheep feed of these in the winter.

Sheep amongst the turnips

A wonderful sandstone gatepost.

The hole was used either to hang a rail of to put a bar in to suspend the gate

This petrol stain was in the road.

Metallic patterning

At this time of the year there are some amazing sunrises and sunsets.

Illuminated clouds

Blues and gold

Glorious sunset

The plane was like a silver dart in the sky.

Silver dart

Here are some of my leeks which I have harvested.

Made into leek and potato soup

New artwork has appeared in the Artful Garden.

Floral butterfly

 Textured flower

This is the second stage of making my pottery houses. I let the clay dry then I paint it and is now ready to be biscuit fired. I have nicknamed this second chance firing.

The colours are always very pale until after the second firing

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