Friday 31 January 2014

Lazonby Lanes

We have had mixed weather this week, rain and snow on the hill tops. I took a walk along the local lanes in Lazonby.

These sheep with black faces are Suffolk.

Black faced Suffolk sheep

The sheep have marks on their backs to show when they have been tupped 

Sheep are also marked when they have been treated

A field of kale grown as fodder.

 Curly Kake

This is a lovely view looking towards the Pennine hills.

Snow on Hartside

The swollen river Eden looking towards Kirkoswald.


Around 4pm in the afternoon this flock of birds regularly dances in the sky.

This farm is at Catterlen is castellated with its own bridge. I love the set of steps leading up to the door.

Castellated tower

Look at the flight of steps leading to the baronial style door

Snowdrops are now coming into flower.

White ballet skirts

I made this Seville orange marmalade last week.

It tastes delicious

Our very tidy log pile stacked by my husband.

Hardwood logs

Somethings can always make you smile.

Say cheese

The little crab was given to me as a present.

Hi five from a crab

Friday 24 January 2014

A Gander in Gameblesby

Sunday was fine and mild so I had a walk along the country lanes around Gamblesby in the Eden Valley. The sun was illuminating the fields.

A view looking towards the Pennine hills

As I walked along the lane I saw that a gorse bush was in flower.

Bright yellow gorse buds
The air is very clear and there was a lot of moss and lichen on the tree branches.

Moss covered branches a sign of pure air

Also on the dry stone walls.
Mottled patterns of lichen on a dry stone wall 

I found some catkins that had come into flower.

Cats tail catkins

Watercress was growing in the stream.

You need flowing water for watercress to grow

This small building was in a field, I could not work out why it had been built.

Sandstone building in a field

Crabapples were in the verge.

Green crab apples providing food for wildlife

I was surprised to see new born lambs in the field. The breed of sheep is Dorset and these sheep can breed throughout the year.

 A bonny faced Dorset mother with her lambs

In the Eden Valley it is traditional for a field of turnips to be grown and the sheep feed of these in the winter.

Sheep amongst the turnips

A wonderful sandstone gatepost.

The hole was used either to hang a rail of to put a bar in to suspend the gate

This petrol stain was in the road.

Metallic patterning

At this time of the year there are some amazing sunrises and sunsets.

Illuminated clouds

Blues and gold

Glorious sunset

The plane was like a silver dart in the sky.

Silver dart

Here are some of my leeks which I have harvested.

Made into leek and potato soup

New artwork has appeared in the Artful Garden.

Floral butterfly

 Textured flower

This is the second stage of making my pottery houses. I let the clay dry then I paint it and is now ready to be biscuit fired. I have nicknamed this second chance firing.

The colours are always very pale until after the second firing

Friday 17 January 2014

Pottering About

On Sunday it was freezing cold so we used this opportunity to go to the Artful Garden to spread some muck. The ground at this time of the year is normally very muddy. I am trying to follow a 4 year crop rotation with my veg beds but this is not always too exact. We lifted the sprouts and chard and I harvested some leeks from which I made leek and potato soup.

Borders almost empty and muck applied

The scarecrows are now dressed for the winter weather having their normal hats replacing their Santa hats. Looby Loo returned from Ravenbridge Stores with tales of her admirers and is wondering if she needs to get an agent in case Vogue contacts her. She is now sporting a ladybird raincoat, very fetching. 

Love the coat Looby Loo
Bobby Barley needed surgery to his legs as he had withered limbs but a bit of thermal filler has rectified the problem.

Crazy Maisie had done a Marilyn Monroe with her skirt being blown up by the wind. It was frozen in place and I had to wait a few days before I could return her decency.

Crazy Maisie shows us a leg

Lotta Bottle has had major arm surgery which was very successful. I think she must have been waving too much at passersby. For Christmas she got a new spotted pink top. She was delighted as her previous top had faded and was not showing her attributes to their best advantage.

Spot the difference

Charlie Barley still looks malnourished but is waiting until the spring before he goes to a health farm.

Charley Barley needs lessons on posture

This lovely winter jasmine is in full flower on the barn wall.

Sunny winter jasmine

My pottery butterflies and flowers are now on display in my garden and I have more to put on display at the Artful Garden.

Butterflies and flowers
Inspired by sunflowers
Floral butterfly

I have been busy this week making some more pottery houses and hearts. This  is how they look in the drying stage before I paint the clay. I sometimes paint the clay before I construct as this gives a depth of colour to the piece.

Organic pottery houses
Inspired by flowers and leaves

My Christmas tree angel which is very old has been to inspired by Versace for her beautiful lace dress. 

Dainty angel

Can you guess what this is?

A bubble in the bread dough

Friday 10 January 2014

Rain Again and Again and Again

The week we have seen an unprecedented amount of rain and strong winds. The ground is all sodden and too wet to absorb any more water.

I took a walk along the river Eden, my local river on Wednesday our first dry day for a long time. Water is fed into the river from the Pennine hills so the water level can quickly rise.

The force of the river

This is a view of the river in full flow. I am always respectful of how strong the current is as the water flows by very quickly. The ducks did not need to swim they just went with the flow.

A calm surface is deceptive of the power of the water

Look at the trees and see how high the river rose as you look at the level of the flotsam  in the branches.

Where's jetsam?

The water level at its highest was up to almost the top of the bridge arches.

Water water everywhere

There is an Eden Benchmark by the sculptor Frances Pelly called Cypher Piece. It is located near Lazonby Recycling Centre.

Can you see the face of a fish?
The moss has added a new dimension to the sculpture

There is a wonderful traditional shop in Penrith called N  Arnison and Sons. 

the shop front

Upstairs in ladies wear there is an collection of evening bags which look to be from a time when people went to dinner dances.

Bags with bling
Take your pick

These are some of the adverts on the outside of the building.

Look at the date the shop was established

Not all of these services are still available

There are some beautifully shop fittings from times gone by. 

A beautiful white nightdress at a bargain price of £25