Friday 6 September 2013

Sun, Plum and Garden Fun

The 1 September is the first day of Autumn. This week we have had some gloriously hot days, misty in the morning, very hot after lunch time and cool at night with the nights drawing in and sunset about 8pm.

I have been busy weeding, tidying the lawns and harvesting.

I have been watching the Victoria plums all week and the warm sun was just what they needed. We are now starting to get a plentiful supply and I am running the gauntlet of the wasps who are gorging themselves.

How about this for a plum harvest?

So tasty

The apples tress are weighed down with fruit so they have needed a helping hand. You need to be careful when walking under the trees as you could have the Newton effect where an apple could land on your head.

Ripening crab apples

This tree needs all the support it can get

The runner beans are producing a steady supply and it is like climbing into a jungle as the two rows of beans are very close together.


Why is it always no matter how hard you look you always miss a courgette until it grows into the size of a marrow? These little yellow courgettes are very tasty.

Tasty in yellow

My row of sunflowers along the Artful Garden wall are looking very bonny. One flower head is the size of a dinner plate.

Sunflowers always make me smile

The purple of the helitrope flower is intense.

Purple sensation

We cut our beech hedge once a year. We planted it over 30 years ago when we moved into our house.

An evergreen beech hedge

I have been picking quite a few twin raspberries.


Looking out of my kitchen window the sky was a milky orange as the sun was setting. This only lasted for a few minutes.

Golden wonder
When you look at the clouds you can see some amazing shapes that are always very transient.

A tree or not a tree that is the question

It is amazing what you find in the most unlikely places. One morning I found this on my doorstep.

A peacock butterfly wing

Cherie the Ooh La La Bird had got her feathers ruffled and is now back sitting amongst the onions.

Bird in a basket

My curtain rails are getting full of drying flowers.

Hot colours
Delicate shades of pink and red

This is a view of Rose Castle the palace of the Bishops of Carlisle, it is near Dalston in Cumbria. 

A castle with a chapel

This is the view from Hartside summit 1904 ft. The view is forever changing which makes it so special.

A view from the top of my world

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