Friday 27 September 2013

Musing in Museums

This last week I have been on holiday in Glasgow where I spent the day in the Kelvingrove Museum.

Wonderful architecture

There is such a variety of things to explore and feast the eyes on, some things are more frivolous than others.

Welly Dog
Beauty can be found around ever corner.

Art Nouveau beauty

The light fittings are a wonder to behold and far better than the modern energy saving bulbs.

Crowns of light

In the prehistoric section there were various dinosaur skeletons. 

Balance is not my best attribute

This hogback stone grave dates back to Viking times. It was called hogback as the shape resembles a hog's back.

Primitive carving

I found this Viking ladder fascinating. The skill and craftmanship is inspiring when you think of the primitive tools they had to use.

A ladder to the stars

African masks are symbolic and use an amazing variety of recycled materials in their construction.

What message is revealed in this face? 

No longer politically correct but full of humour are these postcards about the characteristics of females. No prizes for guessing that they must have been composed by men.

Women rule OK?

This wonderful gesso panel made by Margaret Macdonald shows an incredible skill using this medium.

Stunning craftmanship
Having just started to learn to knit I loved the retro look of this machine knitted cardigan made by Kid Knit.

Knit one

The ingenuity of people is always fascinating. The first mail boat sent from St Kilda in 1876 used this method. The wooden boat held the letter and postage stamps which were sealed inside a cocoa tin. Also supplies were requested by this same method.

St Kilda mailboat

The hippo has the biggest mouth of any land animal. It can open it's mouth 150 degrees.

Open wide
This butterfly has lovely wing patterns.

Wonderful camouflage

There is always something interesting to see when you visit a city. This lovely sculpture was on the front of a building. This type of artwork is from a time gone by.

Two beautiful ladies
I love street performance. How does this man stay vertical without any help?

Golden marvel
On the day we left for Glasgow we were up early enough to see the sunrise. 

Golden delight

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