Friday 9 March 2018

Sun and Snow

I forgot to post last week's blog 'Serious Snow' so there are two posts this week.

It took quite a while for the snow to melt and it still remains on the hills.
Looking towards the Pennines

By Tuesday there was still patches of snow that had not melted.
Snow on the river bank

The snow still remained in the Artful Garden and makes it look very festive.
A late Christmas feel about the garden

The snowman was in his element.
A very jolly snowman

Bank erosion has caused the tree roots to be exposed.
Hopefully the trees should hang beyond the next floods

The daffodils are starting to grow and will soon be in flower.
A buzzing bee

The hellebore looks pretty in the back border.
Some lovey colour

The first dragonfly has appeared in the Artful Garden.
High flyer

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