Friday 10 February 2017

We have had a few warm days so I took the opportunity to tidy up my allotment. I also found some of last years bulbs so I have planted them in front of my allotment shed. This late in the year they may or may not flower.

I had a walk along the river Eden to Lacy's Caves. The path in many places has collapsed due to flood damage.
There were many landslips along the route

This is flood debris that looks like a nest.
Has anyone seen a stork?

Looking up the river Eden towards Little Salkeld.
Look at the reflections

Lacy's Caves are man made.
Gothic arches

The walls are covered with graffiti.
Can you see any famous signatures?

Look how the tree grow out of the rocks.
Ripples and cracks in the sandstone

There were clumps of snowdrops on the forest floor.
These snowdrops have very large stems
The flower heads are bell shaped

A brightly coloured fungus.
A vivid yellow rim

A gnarled tree trunk.
An old alder tree with tiny red catkins

A view looking down on the Eden Valley from the fellside.
Look at the contours and the field patterns
Clouds in a landscape

 A metal bird I found in Wigton.
Tweet, tweet

A nineteenth century fountain in Wigton.
It features bronze reliefs

Sunset at Silloth.
The sun setting over the sea

I have been experimenting with glazes and this is my latest piece.
Glazes, oxides and colbart

Remember to look at my shop on Etsy shop  magscreatesandmakes


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