Friday 11 September 2015

Preserves and Planting

I have had a busy two weeks reorganising the flower beds in my home and the Artful Garden. Also I have been harvesting the vegetables and making my annual preserves. 

The runner beans are growing quickly and it does not seem to matter if they get very long they are not stringy.
Look at the pretty poppies and calandula

Runner beans chopped by hand ready to be cooked and then put into the pickle mix. This in an excellent way of preserving surplus runner beans.
Its bean a long time to make

I have harvested the green tomatoes and the home grown chillies and have made 24 jars of hot tomato relish, a family favourite.
I wear plastic gloves to protect my hands from the hot chillies

There are still some pretty flowers in bloom.

Purple daisy faces

This vibrant purple flower.
An intense colour in the flower border

I love the name of this plant

Moderna that comes in many shades.
Tassel topped flowers

I managed to get some sunflowers to grow after a disastrous start with rabbit damage.
Plenty of seeds for the birds to feed on in winter

I love the cardoon as  they tower towards the sky.
A beefy thistle shape

Cows with their calves are in the fields.
There is still plenty of grass available

The farmers are harvesting the corn.
Golden corn

The mornings are chilly and misty with the promise of a warm a sunny day.
Mist floating in the Eden Valley

Tour of Britain

On Thursday the Tour of Britain Stage 5 came through Kirkoswald. In honour of the occasion I made Uno Re-Cycleo. He took a day to make but I was very pleased with the outcome and he has been greatly admired. He had hoped to participate in the Tour but found out too late that his entry number was invalid and no mono cycles were allowed.
Uno on his marks and ready to go
Just doing my warming up exercises

Bobby Barley did not want to miss out on the fame and glory. He had been practising wheelies in the Artful orchard. In doing so he fell off his bike and had to be wrapped in a silver recovery blanket. He did manage to crawl to the garden wall to wave to the fans, the cyclists and his own fan club members. It is suspected that his designer Calvin DeKline sunglasses were the cause of the fall.
Hi biker dudes

I made yellow bunting in the shape of yellow jerseys and bicycle seats.
Bunting tied onto bamboo canes

Yellow bikes are appearing all over.

Knitted bikes in Penrith.
Flower power

It is amazing what you can knit and crochet

A yellow bike with a bike helmet for a seat.
Hats off to this bike

A bike in Ravenbridge Stores.
A bike in the round 

A little bike with a pink flower.
So cute

Bunting decorates fences and walls.
Yellow jerseys

Knitted jerseys.
Jerseys on the church fence
It was an amazing occasion.

Friday 4 September 2015

Grasmere Sports

Last Sunday I went to Grasmere Sports. It is famous for Cumberland wrestling and fell races. The fell runners run up steep hills and run back down again. There were children competing as young as eight and adults over sixty years of age. When you see how steep the slope is you marvel at their ability and courage.

Up the fell and down again running fast all the way
Go Go go

Hounds were also racing up the fell. To encourage the dog to win as it came into sight the owner would call the dog and bang a small metal bucket that contained meat.
The dogs bark frantically before they set off and on their return

You could bet on the hound races.
The choice is yours

Cumberland wrestling for children and adults.
The winner is the one who can throw their competitor onto the ground

There was a display of classic cars.
Anyone fancy a drive?
You have to Dodge this car

Motorbikers did incredible stunts.
Biking up the steep steps
And down the steep slope

 There were Tug of war competitions for all ages.
Pull pull pull

A marching band entertained the crowd.
Left right left right

Hang gliders floated in the sky throughout the day.
Just hanging around

Sheep shearing using metal hand shears, a very skilled task.
Herdwick sheep
Sheep are laid on their back

Late summer flowers cosmos and phlox and brachycome are looking very pretty.
Bright and cheerful

The rainbow chard looks attractive.
Glowing red

This poppy is stunning.