Thursday 16 April 2015

Spring Forward

What a week of variable weather. On Sunday the temperature dropped to 1C and we had sleet and snow, a whiteout. Thursday it was glorious sunshine after a misty morning and the temperature was 17C.

I have been busy weeding the back flowerbed in the Artful Garden. Against the fence is a mass of ground elder and nettles and I had to crawl under the blackthorn hedge to weed. Blackthorn has very sharp spikes and the ivy sharp branches so it was not an easy task. We have also put up rabbit netting along the fence as last year rabbits invaded the garden and ate a lot of the young seedlings. 

A cleared back border

The gooseberry and red and blackcurrant bushes have come into leaf and I have applied a good amount of manure at the base of the plants.
Gooseberry bush

The daffodils are starting to wilt as the tulips come into flower.
The white daffodils in the rose bed are still in bloom

The leaves on the apple trees are just beginning to open.
Leaf buds

The onions I planted a few weeks ago are beginning to grow.
Garlic on the right tiny green onion shoots

The jonquils and grape hyacinths make a lovely combination.
Sunny faced jonquils

The little pink saxifrage is in full bloom.
Deep pink flowers. The Egyptian head I made last year.

At this time of the year you get amazing sunrises and sunsets.
Rich tones and shades

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