Friday 24 April 2015

Skiddaw Summit

Last Saturday we rose at 5am to set off to climb Skiddaw in the Lake District. We started our walk at 7am as we like the tranquility of walking in peace and quiet and to be able to fully appreciate nature at its best.
A clear blue sky

The walk started at Mirehouse and it was a climb from the first step. The route took us through Dodd Wood. The sunshine over this last week has brought  the trees into leaf. 
Dodd Wood

 A sycamore tree.
Fresh spring leaves

This felled spruce tree is about 55 years old. I calculated this by counting the annual growth rings.
Can you count the rings?

The beech trees were just showing a few tender green leaves.
The beech hedge at home is just bursting with leaf

Delicate wood sorrel was growing in the forest floor. 
Dainty white bells

We came out of the wood at White Stones and started a steep ascent. The rocks were glistening as though they had been sprinkled with fairy dust.
Twinkle twinkle

The lichen patterns are intriguing.
Bubbly effect lichen. A sign of clean air.

As you climbed, more and more of the stunning Lakeland hills and lakes were revealed. Early in the morning there is little activity to disturb the birdsong and the larks that were ascending but not singing.
Looking towards Derwent Water. Keswick on the left and Braithwaite on the right 

Looking towards Bassenthwaite Lake.
Stunning hill formation

The climb took us past these pleated hills as we climbed Allerdale Ramble.
Beauty unfolded

The final climb was extremely steep climbing up scree like a mountain goat. We were glad to have reached the summit.
A route not for the faint hearted
Almost at the top.
The end is in sight, phew

Trig point at the summit 931 metres.

A dial showing the direction and distance to points of interest.
How far away is?

The view was stunning, so crystal clear and you could see for miles. As far as Scotland and the Isle of Man.
A view to die for

After a slight rest we made the descent back on the same route. By now other walkers were on the climb and we exchanged good crack with them all.

A beautiful sunset to complete the day.
Spring sunset

Thursday 16 April 2015

Spring Forward

What a week of variable weather. On Sunday the temperature dropped to 1C and we had sleet and snow, a whiteout. Thursday it was glorious sunshine after a misty morning and the temperature was 17C.

I have been busy weeding the back flowerbed in the Artful Garden. Against the fence is a mass of ground elder and nettles and I had to crawl under the blackthorn hedge to weed. Blackthorn has very sharp spikes and the ivy sharp branches so it was not an easy task. We have also put up rabbit netting along the fence as last year rabbits invaded the garden and ate a lot of the young seedlings. 

A cleared back border

The gooseberry and red and blackcurrant bushes have come into leaf and I have applied a good amount of manure at the base of the plants.
Gooseberry bush

The daffodils are starting to wilt as the tulips come into flower.
The white daffodils in the rose bed are still in bloom

The leaves on the apple trees are just beginning to open.
Leaf buds

The onions I planted a few weeks ago are beginning to grow.
Garlic on the right tiny green onion shoots

The jonquils and grape hyacinths make a lovely combination.
Sunny faced jonquils

The little pink saxifrage is in full bloom.
Deep pink flowers. The Egyptian head I made last year.

At this time of the year you get amazing sunrises and sunsets.
Rich tones and shades

Friday 10 April 2015

Spring has Sprung

What a glorious week. Cold nights, foggy mornings and warm sunny days, perfect for growing plants. I have had a busy gardening week clearing flowerbeds of last year's growth, weeding and planting seeds all to the melody of birdsong. I am tidying the flowerbeds in the Artful Garden and have received many compliments about the Easter display.

I thought I would concentrate this week on the spring flowers that are thriving in the sunshine.

Pom pom primulas, colourful drumsticks.
Look at the detail of each flower head

This primula has an old fashioned feel.

The flowering redcurrant is now in bloom. It has it's own unique perfume.
The bees adore this shrub

The grape hyacinths are creating a carpet of blue.
Little blue berry clusters

This  variety is two toned.
Dark to light

The cowslips are growing towards the sun.
I adore cowslips

This cowslip has a variation in the colour of the petals.
Orange and yellow hues

The first tiny violet to open.
Found when I was raking the leaves from under the beech hedge

I have had the potatoes 'chitting' on the window ledge. I am planting them today. I have chosen a First Earlys Nicola and Second Earlys Pink Fir Apple.
Can you see the tiny 'chitting' shoots in the Nicola potatoes?
Pink Fir Apple a strange name and an interestingly shaped potato

I found this bird's egg in the flower border, nature is full of surprises.

When the sun opens a tulip it reveals it's full beauty.
Rich creams with a dash of yellow

Monday 6 April 2015

Eggciting Easter

Happy Easter. Easter has arrived in the Artful Garden. All the scarecrows have new Easter bonnets and there are some new hens in the garden. All the daffodils are at their peak.

On the gate into the garden is an Easter wreath.

There is a lovely bucket of flowers to greet you.
Sunny flowers to make you smile

Daffodils are flowering throughout the garden.
Daffodils in the orchard
Daffodils in the flower bed

Daffodils in the rose bed

Miniature daffodils, a lovely contrast with the blue

A giant egg

The lilac tree is decorated with Easter eggs.
Eggs of different shapes and sizes

Looby Loo has a lovely hat, Bobby just wanted rabbit ears.
Can you see the chick in the basket?

Boozy Floozy found a garland as well as a bonnet.
Bonny hat

Crazy Maisie decided on a green hat with huge daffodils.

Lotta Bottle just settled for a single flower.
Where's my Easter egg?

Charlie Barlie loves his new hat as his head was getting cold.
Hi says the Bottle Boy 

Flowers are blooming on the raspberry canes.
Smile please

The Funky Chicken has had a makeover.
Feeling chirpy

The trio of  Rock and Roll Chicks have arrived in the garden and are attracting a lot of interest.
Rock me baby
I'm the best

These are the  Easter flower arrangements I made for the church.
In the middle of the church
 The Lady Altar
Side altar

This is my favourite daffodil photograph. The daffodils look as if they have been painted.