Friday 3 August 2018

Tatton Park and Beyond

I have been busy in my gardens trying to keep on top of the weeds and harvesting, peas, beans, turnips, potatoes and cabbage.

I visited the Tatton Park Flower Show. I always love the art work on display.
All made from chains
This is a metal fountain. Truly beautiful.
A floral peacock
Daisy the elephant
Crochet barrow
A metal horse

A view from Settle station. 

Looking northbound

The whole town was decorated with plantpots.
How tickled I am

Bee excited

Plant pot horse

I made this floral wreath for the Cumbria in Bloom visit.
A decoration for the gate into the Artful Garden

An Eden benchmark at Appleby.
A primrose

 A plague mask in Hexham jail.
They put herbs in the beak to try and disguise the smell of the plague