Friday 29 June 2018

Hot, Hot, hot

I have been busy trying to garden in the very hot weather. I am back blogging again. It has been very difficultt plant seedlings as the sun is so hot they just wither.

The Michaelmas daisies are in full bloom in the Artful Garden. I like to see them billowing over the path.
Daisies and red campion

The runner beans are making slow progress.
Where is Jack?

The Mock Orange smells beautiful.
Beautiful perfume

I linseed when it is in flower.
Can you see the pheasant?

The clematis at the front gate to the Artful Garden.
Deep purple hues

I have been redecorating my cans.
Can art
A wild orchid.
Intense pink

The scarecrows have all had a makeover.
Boozy Floosie
Bobby Barley, an English supporter
Crazie Maisie, Looby Loo and Charlie Barley

The Forth Road bridge.
Very dramatic

Rosebay willowherb is now in flower in the hedgerows.
Pink spires

The back border in my home garden.

Shades of pink