Friday 26 February 2016

Signs of Spring

Monday was warm so I decided to plant my first crop on the allotment. I cleared the bed where I was planting my onions and by the time I had the bed prepared it started to rain. Luckily it was just a short shower. I have planted onions and shallots.
My first cleared plot

The bulbs I planted in the old wheelbarrows are growing well.
Daffodils looking for sunshine

There are signs of spring. Miniature iris are in flower.
Pretty in blue and yellow

The crocus are in flower and very pretty when the sun shines.
Golden centres

There are drifts of snowdrops around the garden.
Dainty white bells

Some of my miniature daffodils are in bloom.
I love daffodils in all their shapes and sizes

We have had misty mornings, frost and snow this week.
An atmospheric morning

I am busy,making some new pottery creations, flowers, figures, butterflies and bird houses.

Friday 19 February 2016

New Zealand revisited

I thought I would share some more photos of New Zealand with you. It is such a lovely country with great diversity in the flora and geology. There is still a lot of ancient rain forest remaining

A strange bell shaped fungus.

These llamas are made from metal. A lot of the villages have artworks to attract you to visit them.

 Look at the colour of this soil and its formation

There are many plants that we would grow indoors in the UK that grow outdoors in NZ.

There are many beautiful coastlines.
Look at this rock formation it reminds you of a reptiles skin.

How fragile and beautiful.

These are costumes made by Jennie Gillies all based on flowers.

This is from a museum called a Steampunk that recycled metal and engines.  All very inventive.

I love this mwhale box aka mailbox.